Future of monero 10 years from now?

What do you think the future of monero will be like in 10 years from now? Do you think much will change? Will it be harder or easier to use?

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Serapis and FCMP will be implemented by then.

Monero is easy to use. Monero address & amount, done.
Thats easier than a bank transfer and much easier than Bitcoin.

With Bitcoin you first have to consider which address types can be used:
Silent Payments or Segwit (P2WPKH) or Taproot (P2TR) or Segwit (P2WSH) or Segwit-Compatible (P2SH) or Legacy (P2PKH) :joy: :rofl:
Then you can consider whether you want bitcoin mainnet, lightning or liquid.

And when you finally know which address type & network you can use to send or receive, then you first have to check the network fees and wait for a time when they are reasonably affordable.

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