Merchants which will buy products from Amazon/Ebay/Bestbuy against XMR?

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to post this.

I’m looking for services which will purchase goods for me from websites like Amazon/Ebay/Aliexpress/Bestbuy as a proxy and ship it to me, against XMR. It’s a bit surprising how I haven’t managed to find anything like this.

Both clearnet and TOR/I2P suggestions are welcome!


That service is called “dropshipping”. I don’t know of any dropshippers who accept crypto of any kind. Depending on how much and how often you want to buy stuff online I can do it for you. DM me if you want.

It seems like I don’t have the trust level to DM you? Couldn’t find the option to do so in the GUI.

Are you offering an informal service? I’m interested

Yeah if you send me your shipping address and what you want ordered, and the XMR (or other coins I will accept) I can order it shipped to you. I don’t have a website or javascript form or anything but if you do a LOT of online shopping I can make one just to make life easier. Otherwise just email me at I also can’t DM, I’m not really familiar with discourse so idk why.

Thanks, I’ll reach out once I have things set up

Thought you might be interested in this: 1600+ businesses and stores accepting XMR as a payment in 2024

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monezon is what you are looking for.

(Didn’t use it yet, but looks promising).